Article about the session.

What awaits you at the session

1: I send you instructions on how to prepare yourself and your skin (if necessary)
2: I tell you about what you need for healing (what you need to buy) and about the healing itself (which I will mention again at the session itself)
3: instructions for healing (it will be or already is in video format), but there will also be a text version.
And now, you are ready for DAY X)
- Tip #1 (follow the instructions I'm sending you, you will be much more comfortable and calm both before and during the session, and, of course, after)
Day X

In the vast majority of cases, this is your day off (a completely free day), which I am looking forward to seeing you, because I love my job very much)
I'm waiting for you, tea, coffee, water (your choice), if it's cool, a blanket)
We always have something sweet for tea)
We drink tea, chat, and relax from the road (you relax because I have already arrived in advance and you don't have to wait for me)

- Tip #2 (come to a session without a support group. It's not my whim, it's just that a person will get tired of surfing the internet and drinking tea while waiting for you, and you will feel more relaxed (if, of course, the tattoo is small and doesn't take much time, then no problem))

After tea time, we adjust the size (the size we discuss at the consultation is averaged), because we need to adjust the size according to the anatomy, taking into account all the points, from muscles to moles, so that the tattoo is in place).
Next, we transfer the drawing to the skin.
This does not take much time if the work is not large and not symmetrical,
in other cases, it will take more time.

Is the drawing dry and we can start?
In fact, yes, but if you need/want to, you can go for a smoke break, to the restroom, take everything you need for a comfortable pastime (headphones, tablet, and even a laptop are allowed, but not always convenient)

Shall we get started?)

You make yourself comfortable, you can turn on a movie/series/music/book
of your choice while I prepare for the process (put on gloves, unpack needles, etc.)
On my work table you can see clean, new supplies (everything
processed, disinfected, etc.), needles in sterile blisters.

As for the quality of consumables and equipment, I won't go into details, but I will say that the quality of work, the speed of the process, and my convenience depend on them, and I go for all of this first.

- Tip #3 (do not put or place anything on the work table, everything that
is there is processed, and interaction with it takes place exclusively with gloves)
Will it hurt?

If you have been following my instructions, it will be unpleasant for the first
10-15 minutes, but then the process will be easier and much more tolerable, some even
even manage to work in their campuses, and some even sleep, so don't worry too much.

Worrying will definitely not have a positive effect. (But remember, everyone has their own
has their own individual pain threshold).

- Tip #4 (try to relax and breathe as much as possible (do not hold your breath
and strain with all your might), but breathe, moderately and calmly. Yes, it's hard,
I know from my own experience, but it's only the first few minutes)
Breaks/smoke breaks:

No problem, but not every 15 minutes, sorry about that) you can drink tea, eat,
smoke, go to the restroom, dance, send photos, but no more than
15-20 minutes (long breaks are not desirable, because after them you will be very uncomfortable, and you may start counting down, which is not desirable for the
duration of the session)

I do not work with anesthesia.
There are plenty of reasons for this, believe me.
The only thing that can help you is painkillers in tablets, if you are fine
with the tolerance of these drugs. There are several options, which I also indicate
in the Central Office (it helps me)))
And in conclusion

If we have a one-session work, you have a great tattoo on you, if we have a multi-session work, then a great part of your tattoo). High-quality, beautiful, artistic tattoo. as it is Fashionable). We have a small photo shoot and
Dobby is free))
I treat it, wrap it/seal it (remind you about healing) and you can safely go home,
eat and rest, this is the first thing I advise after the session)

- Tip #5 (it's better to really go eat and rest).
I really hope that this article will be useful to you.
You can ask questions in the comments,
and I will be happy to answer them